When it comes to periodontal surgery, it’s normal to feel a little lost. There’s a lot to consider, from the different types of procedures to the symptoms that might lead you down this path. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you navigate through it all. In this article, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of periodontal surgeries and procedures. We’ll cover everything from what to expect before, during, and after surgery, to the costs involved. So, whether you’re just starting to explore your options or you’re preparing for a procedure, we’ve got all the information you need to feel informed and confident.

If you need periodontal surgery in Utah, we can help! We have offices in Salt Lake City and South Jordan full of experienced staff to help you. Click the button below to request an appointment or give us a call!

What is Periodontal Surgery? 

The primary goal of periodontal surgery is to restore and maintain the health of the gums and bones, ultimately preventing tooth loss. This is achieved by removing infection, reducing pocket depths, and regenerating lost bone and tissue. The specific type of surgery recommended depends on the severity and extent of the periodontal disease, as well as the individual patient’s overall health and treatment goals. 

Periodontal Surgery Cost 

The cost of periodontal surgery can be quite variable, with treatments for gum disease typically ranging from $500 to $10,000. However, these are general estimates. The actual cost can vary based on your specific circumstances. 

A significant factor influencing the cost is your dental insurance coverage. Not all insurance plans cover periodontal procedures, and the extent of coverage can vary. Some plans may partially cover the costs, while others might provide more comprehensive coverage. It’s crucial to discuss your benefits with your insurance provider to get an accurate picture of the costs involved. 

Other factors that can impact the cost include the complexity of the procedure, the need for additional treatments like bone grafts or tissue regeneration, and the experience and expertise of your dentist. Before proceeding with periodontal surgery, we advise you to consult with your periodontist office and get a detailed breakdown of the costs of your treatment. This way you can explore financial options to make the cost more manageable.

Hot to Prepare For It? 

To prepare for periodontal surgery, you can follow these basic steps:

  1. Consult Your Dentist: Have a detailed discussion with your periodontist or dental surgeon about the procedure, expected outcomes, and any potential risks. 
  2. Review Your Medical History: Inform your dentist about any medical conditions and medications you are taking, as they may affect the surgery and healing process. 
  3. Arrange Transportation: Plan for someone to drive you home after the surgery, as you might be under the influence of sedation or anesthesia. 
  4. Follow Pre-Operative Instructions: Your dentist may provide specific instructions to follow before the surgery, such as fasting or taking certain medications. 
  5. Maintain Oral Hygiene: Keep your teeth and gums clean leading up to the surgery to reduce the risk of infection. 
  6. Prepare for Post-Operative Care: Stock up on soft foods and any prescribed medications you’ll need during recovery. 

What to Expect


Before the surgery, you’ll have a detailed consultation with your periodontist to discuss the procedure, potential risks, and expected outcomes. You may be advised to undergo a dental cleaning and receive instructions on maintaining good oral hygiene to reduce the risk of infection. Depending on the type of anesthesia used, you might also need to fast for a certain period before the surgery.


During the surgery, you’ll receive local anesthesia to numb the area and possibly sedation to help you relax. The specific steps of the procedure will depend on the type of surgery you’re undergoing, but generally, the gum tissue will be gently lifted to allow for deep cleaning and necessary repairs. After completing the procedure, the gum tissue will be sutured back into place, and a dressing may be applied to protect the area. 


After the surgery, it’s important to take it easy for the first 24-48 hours and avoid strenuous activities. You may experience some discomfort and swelling, but pain medication will be prescribed to help manage it. Follow-up appointments are crucial to monitor the healing process and remove any stitches. You’ll also receive detailed instructions on how to care for your mouth during recovery, including dietary recommendations and oral hygiene practices. 

Tips for Recovery 

We always advise you to follow the post-operative instructions provided by your periodontist. Managing pain and swelling with prescribed medication and cold compresses can help keep you comfortable in the first few days following surgery. Sticking to a soft diet of nutritious foods like soups, smoothies, and mashed vegetables will prevent irritation of the surgical site. Gently brushing your teeth and using any recommended mouth rinses will keep the area clean and reduce the risk of infection. Staying hydrated, avoiding smoking and alcohol, and attending all follow-up appointments with your periodontist are also important steps in ensuring a smooth and successful recovery.

Periodontal Surgery Types 

Periodontal surgery encompasses a variety of procedures aimed at treating and repairing the supporting structures of the teeth. This includes the gums and bone. Here are some common types of periodontal surgeries: 

  • Periodontal Flap Surgery (Pocket Reduction Surgery): This is a common procedure for patients with moderate to severe periodontal disease. The surgeon makes small incisions in the gum to lift back a section of tissue, providing access to the roots and bone for deep cleaning. The gums are then sutured back in place, reducing the depth of the pockets and making it easier to keep the area clean. 
  • Bone Grafting: When periodontal disease has destroyed the bone supporting your teeth, a bone graft may be necessary. This procedure involves using synthetic or natural bone material to rebuild the bone structure. It can also involve the use of membranes to encourage your body’s natural ability to regenerate bone and tissue. 
  • Soft Tissue Grafts: This type of surgery is often performed to treat gum recession, which can leave the roots of your teeth exposed and susceptible to decay. A piece of tissue is taken from another area of your mouth (often the palate) and grafted onto the affected area to cover the exposed roots and improve the appearance of your gum line. 
  • Guided Tissue Regeneration: This procedure is used when the bone supporting your teeth has been destroyed. A small piece of biocompatible fabric is placed between your bone and gum tissue to keep the gum tissue from invading the area where bone should be, allowing the bone and connective tissue to regrow. 
  • Crown Lengthening: This surgery is often used for cosmetic reasons or to prepare a tooth for a restoration. It involves reshaping the gum tissue and sometimes the underlying bone to expose more of the tooth’s surface. 
  • Gingivectomy: This procedure involves the removal of excess gum tissue to improve the appearance of the gums or to make it easier to access and remove plaque and tartar. 

Signs/Symptoms You Might Need Periodontal Surgery

If you’re experiencing any of the following signs and symptoms, it might be an indication that you need periodontal treatment: 

  1. Bleeding Gums: One of the most common signs of gum disease is bleeding gums, especially when brushing or flossing your teeth. 
  2. Swollen or Red Gums: Healthy gums are firm and pink. If your gums are swollen, red, or tender, it could be a sign of inflammation, which is a hallmark of periodontal disease. 
  3. Receding Gums: If your teeth appear longer than before, it could be due to gum recession, a condition where the gum tissue pulls away from the teeth, exposing more of the tooth or the tooth’s root. 
  4. Persistent Bad Breath: Chronic bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth, even after brushing and flossing, can be a sign of bacterial infection in your gums. 
  5. Loose Teeth: Advanced periodontal disease can lead to the loosening of teeth as the supporting structures (gum and bone) are damaged.
  6. Pus Between Teeth and Gums: The presence of pus is a sign of infection and is often associated with an advanced stage of gum disease. 
  7. Changes in Your Bite: If you notice a change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite, it could be due to shifting teeth, a result of bone loss from periodontal disease. 
  8. Pain When Chewing: Discomfort or pain when chewing can be a sign of periodontal disease affecting the support structures of your teeth. 

The Periodontal Surgery Guide Conclusion 

Periodontal surgery covers a variety of procedures geared at treating and repairing the supporting structures of the teeth. It’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of gum disease and seek professional help as soon as possible upon discovery. 

Don’t hesitate to contact Utah Periodontal Specialists if you’re experiencing any symptoms and believe you may need treatment. Our experienced doctors are here to provide you with the best care possible, ensuring the best results for your oral health. Schedule an appointment at either our South Jordan or Salt Lake City location, and take the first step towards a healthier smile.